Thursday 3 May 2012

Buttery Garlicky Dill Potatoes and Simple Tomato Salsa with Basil and Parsley

Buttery Garlicky Dill Potatoes
source: me..hahah..just chucked in what ever was available
serves: 1-2 persons

2 medium potatoes - peeled and cut into wedges and boiled/steamed till 3/4 cooked
fresh dill chopped more or less according to own taste
2-3 tablespoons butter
1 clove garlic minced, if you want a milder taste, use roasted garlic
salt and pepper to taste
dash of lemon juice for a little tang to the potatoes *optional


  1. Prepare potatoes by peeling and cutting them into wedges. Steam or boil till 3/4 cooked.
  2. In a pan, heat butter and sauté the garlic till fragrant.
  3. Add in the potatoes and the dill. Sauté till potatoes are cooked through.
  4. Serve hot with chicken or fish dishes.

Simple Tomato Salsa with Basil and Parsley
serves 1-2 persons

1 large red crunchy tomato -  cut into wedges and de seeded, then cubed
1 large lemon basil leaf / 2-3 daun selasih, chopped
1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley (dry parsley flakes can be used too)
2 tablespoons of lime juice / lemon juice
salt and cracked black pepper
1 teaspoon diced onion
sugar to taste


  1. Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix.
  2. Can be chilled before use. Serve cold or as is with chicken, seafood, beef..whatever you like :)


  1. I love this! Will definitely try your breaded chicken and these potatoes, because they are among your pictures yang I tenung lama-lama... hehhee.. :)

    1. haha...jangan tenung lama2 nanti makan monitor.. :P
